
October 14, 2023    
8:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Event Type

A collaborative effort of Ahmadiyya Muslim Medical Association (AMMA) and Waqf-e-Nau Department, we present series of webinars catering the needs of our prospects, students and medical professionals to find out all relevant details helpful to all.

This is the second webinar after we held one about how to get into medical school, with preparation beginning as early as high-school and what to do through college to ensure acceptance into medical school.

About This Webinar:

We are conducting a medical residency interview webinar to familiarize the attendees applying this year or in the coming years to residency training programs in the country. We have taken two faculty physicians from academic programs who are active in the residency interview and selection process in their respected institutions. The webinar is familiarize the attendees on how to prepare for the interview, the do’s and don’ts of interview day, and the actions to take following the interview to ensure a successful residency match.

When is the Webinar:

Saturday, October 14th at 8pm EST

How to Join:


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