On 3rd April 1987 during his Friday Sermon, Hazrat Khalifatul Massih IV (rh) proposed to the Community to follow the traditions of the Prophets and dedicate their most prized possession-, their yet to be born children in the way of Allah, to the cause of Islam, propagation of Ahmadiyyat and service to mankind. This is known as the Waqfe Nau scheme.
In his Friday Sermon, Huzoor (rh) said: ” Allah turned my attention to this matter so that I should ask you to vow that the children born to you in the next two years, whether male or female, would be offered for Waqf as a gift to Allah. The expectant mothers who could not participate in this scheme before can take part in it now. They can also vow. But this vow has to be made by both parents. They should decide on this together, so that there is unity of purpose in the upbringing and education of these children. And they should start training them in the best possible way right from their childhood.”
Initially, the scheme was launched for two years, but this was later extended to four and after that, the scheme was made permanent with the added clause that those parents who wish to devote the lives of their children must do it before their birth.
Today, Tahrik Waqf-e-Nau is a thriving institution in which thousands of Ahmadis devote the lives of their unborn children for the sake of the Jama’at and everyday this number continues to grow.